RoaData Ltd.

remote sensing solutions

Please contact us for more information and your request for quotation. We are pleased to help you finding the best remote sensing solution for your tasks.

Contact parameters:

Head office:

H-1037 Budapest, Perényi út 24. Hungary

Branch in Közép-Dunántúl:

7011 Alap, Fő út 209.

Fax number:

+36 1 700 1654

Phone numbers:

+36 30 311 7381, +36 70 339 1401

E-mail address:


Please contact us by filling the below form:

7 + 2 =

main data:

Hungarian Tax Number:


EU tax number (VIES):
HU 14483817

European Unique Identifier (EUID):


Company Registration Number:

Cg. 01-09-295282

Registered at:

Company Registry Court of Budapest
H-1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 28.
+36 1 354 4800

Bank accounts:



We are members of the following professional bodies:


Hungarian Society of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing

Magyar Földmérési, Térképészeti és Távérzékelési Társaság

Aerial Cartographic and Remote Sensing Association

ACRSA logo

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